Monday, February 18, 2013

SammieJay:Life as a WannaBe: Feels like the very first time... because it is

okay well this is weird... I don't really know what to do or what to start with. There are all these logical ways to start out. I could introduce myself or just leave you in mystery. I find the second option to be stupid and pointless. Why read a blog about someone if they don't at least give you the most simple intimate detail like my name.

Well as you can see my name is Sammie. I'm a struggling college kid, and when I say struggling I mean it in a suburban way not a financial or mental way. I'm your typical  suburban kid: ungrateful, angry for no good reason, gullible, hopeless just to name a few characteristics.

I wish I had a cool reason why I started this blog, but I don't. I wish I had a teacher who took me aside and showed me this website and said "But your thoughts here. They might be worth something someday." But I didn't. I never had a teacher who took a keen interest in me. Not in a good way or a creepy way. I was always skipped over in everything in life... I don't want you to think I'm crying "poor me! help me I'm poor!"  I'm not. I'm a strong independent woman who needs no man to tell me what to do. I basically started this blog to get what's in my head out. Also hopefully this blog will also help me with my writing. Nothing is more useful in the world then the ability to write effectively and efficiently. I strongly advise if anyone reads this that if you see me using grammar poorly point it out to me and unmercifully make fun of me for it.

So this blog will serve as a portal into my life and the life of an average college kid who is striving to be amazing and painfully cool.

What to expect from this blog:

1. Posts everyday- they will range from being long stories of what happened that day to short posts about little revelations I have.
2. Jokes. Lot's of corney jokes. Hey, it's what I'm good at so I will bestow my awesome humor onto you that you can take them  and call your own.
3. The grueling life of a Umass Boston student.
4. My crazy career aspirations that are totally far fetch. There is no way I'll be able to be a trapeze artist who moonlights as a astronaut.<== get it? do you get it? Moonlight as an astronaut! It's a great example of my humor.
5. Fart Jokes..... I'll let that sit there and you can take it or leave it... yep Fart jokes. Nothing is funnier than a strategically placed fart joke. NOTHING... except for maybe a picture of Gary Busey staring at a  large woman's ass.

I'd like to say that I have a set plan on what I'm gonna write about everyday but to be honest I don't. I'm going to write what comes to mind and hopefully it will be relatable and funny at the same time.

See ya tomorrow folks and let's hope I don't disappoint.


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