Wednesday, February 27, 2013

SammieJay: Life as a Wannabe: Boston's Finest

Boston finest premiered tonight! It's basically a Cops on Boston steroids. It was actually pretty good. I give props to Donnie Wahlberg. The production value on the show is just amazing. I know it's only been one episode but I mean god it was good. Especially since Southie Rules has made the people of      Boston look like crack addicts. 

The great thing about the show is that my Uncle is in it. He's not one of the featured officers, but you can seem him in the background all the time. My parents and I actually sat down with each other and watched it. That is a miracle in its self. 
I thought the show did the city of Boston justice. They didn't make us seem like idiots like southie rules. Not everyone is like that. Not everyone in Boston has such a hard accent. Like myself I don't have an overbearing accent unless you anger me or If I'm totally pissed. 

Well the other show I'm super excited about is psych! It comes back tonight and I have never been happier. Tonight is a goodnight. 

Sorry for being brief but I have a lot of work to do. Watch both shows for a good time. 

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