Thursday, February 28, 2013

SammieJay:Life as a Wannabe: School Sucks

School Sucks... that's all I wanted to say. Peace out... Oh you want me to elaborate?

The stuff they teach us in school right now seems very pointless. school has just taught me so many helpful life lessons like i don’t know what a mortgage is or how it works or what a tax refund is and how you even do taxes but i know how to graph an imaginary number on a coordinate plane. Because you know I'm definitely going to be using that in life!  

Math in general seems very pointless to me. I know it's no pointless but I just suck at doing math and I get angry with it. 

I'm so overwhelmed with studying I'm about to die. I need to go study so this is short and sweet. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

SammieJay: Life as a Wannabe: Boston's Finest

Boston finest premiered tonight! It's basically a Cops on Boston steroids. It was actually pretty good. I give props to Donnie Wahlberg. The production value on the show is just amazing. I know it's only been one episode but I mean god it was good. Especially since Southie Rules has made the people of      Boston look like crack addicts. 

The great thing about the show is that my Uncle is in it. He's not one of the featured officers, but you can seem him in the background all the time. My parents and I actually sat down with each other and watched it. That is a miracle in its self. 
I thought the show did the city of Boston justice. They didn't make us seem like idiots like southie rules. Not everyone is like that. Not everyone in Boston has such a hard accent. Like myself I don't have an overbearing accent unless you anger me or If I'm totally pissed. 

Well the other show I'm super excited about is psych! It comes back tonight and I have never been happier. Tonight is a goodnight. 

Sorry for being brief but I have a lot of work to do. Watch both shows for a good time. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

SammieJay:Life as a WannaBe: I got a golden ticket!

I got my Book of Mormon tickets today in the mail!!!!!!! The show is on April 20th and I'm losing my fricking mind!

I told my parents that BOM was coming to boston and I planned on buying a ticket. You know making a night of it, going to a fancy restaurant, drinking some wine, meeting some men, making a whole lot of something out of a whole lot of nothing.  They were like what the french toast man! You are not going into boston eating great food, drinking fine wine and meeting strange men... by yourself. We'll buy your ticket and ours. So now my whole family and my brothers girlfriend is going to BOM. Because we Joyce's know how to bond. 

My family will fill our stomaches at the most middle class restaurant these great united states have to offer. Chili's! we will wine and dine on cheap bear and the most heartiest nacho plate a man, women, and socially awkward teenager has ever seen.  
We'll then go to the famous Boston Opera house where BOM will be performed. It is the home of the world famous Boston pops. Once conducted by Arthur Fielder and John Williams. I'll be able to sing along to every song with extreme confidence because I remembered every song of the album. Maybe they'll hear me and offer me a job in the cast! Better yet maybe Matt and Trey will be at the same show as me hear me crack a few jokes and then decide to become best friends with me and then offer me job writing with them... A girl can dream. 

Whatever happens I know I'm in for a real treat. I've heard nothing but great things about the book of mormon. 

The one good thing about Umass Boston is the discount we get on theatre tickets. Hopefully they will have discounts for BOM tickets and I can buy them all up. I plan to go as much as I can. So kudos to you umass for doing something right finally! 

Do you guys have tickets for BOM? Are you excited like me? Or have you already seen it? What did you think about it? I need to know!!!! 

Monday, February 25, 2013

SammieJay:Life as a WannaBe: Is college really worth it?

*Warning this blog is serious and long. I wrote an essay on this topic *
In a time where jobs are limited there is not much someone without a college degree can do. Most people during these times go to college to hope that within four years the job market will improve. They will be able to get a job with the degree they paid and worked for. College is a necessary tool; unlike  riding a bike you will forget how to do school work. College will help you keep in touch with education. Have you ever taken chemistry in sophomore year of high school and then find yourself in college forgetting how to convert into moles? With the help of college it reteaches what you forgot and helps it stick. Some people say college is worth it because of the education you are paying for. Others say it helps with your social skills because you’re thrown into a new environment with people you have never met before. You become more social and make new friends at the same time. College is truly what you make of it. If you go there with high hope and do the work you will do well and you have a better chance than someone with no degree to get a good job. If you go into college thinking this is a waste of time you will do poorly and obviously drop out and have the same chance as someone without a degree. College can teach you things that will help you succeed in the future on different platforms of learning.
This essay was actually really hard for me to write. I’m very undecided on this subject. I won’t really have a firm grip on my stance until I graduate. I won’t know if college was worth it for me. When reading the four essays about college education it made it even harder for me to determine if I was doing the right thing for me. I was tottering between dropping out and getting a job or continue my education and hopefully finding my niche in society.  I thought I was being a financial burden on my parents because I was going to college for a major that would take me nowhere. Theatre Arts major was not going to get me anywhere in life. I also had the thought “why go to school if my college doesn’t really have the major I want?”  If UMB doesn’t have a film major I would waste time and money in school, when I could start working and doing apprenticeships. I would learn more from hand on experience. But reading these essays and talking with my parents has shown me college is just more than just a doorway to a future job. College helps you connect with others. They help you connect with people who are also lost and haven’t found their niche. It also helps with teaching us things we flew by in high school. We have time to read pieces of literature and watch movies and listen to music. College also helps us think in different ways. In high school we are still influenced by our parents and peers but in college we are more independent and have the ability to think for ourselves. College is a place where you can grow and strengthen your social skills. In a majority of colleges you have dorm rooms and you make a strong relationship with your roommate. You also have an opportunity to join clubs and interact with people. My opinion on college education is simple; it’s truly what you make of it. I went into college thinking it will be terrible and I’ll never get a job when I get out. As the semester is coming to a close I realize college is not just teaching me about my major it is also teaching me about other aspects of life that will help me succeed in life.
The main reason why college is relevant in society is probably the most basic idea, the actual education is important. The vast number of majors they offer show how much you can learn there. For a school to have a major they need to be able teach a curriculum around it. With those classes you can learn a certain trade. When I say trade I don’t just mean physical labor I also mean intellectual things like math, sciences and liberal arts.  With the education you are paying for, which is expensive, it should be well rounded and help you later in life.  With the degree that you get you have a good chance of getting a good job with it. In Andrew P. Mills essay “What’s So Good About A College Education?” he talks about how college is useful in terms of how you use that time to actually learn, he uses a metaphor that says “…Can openers are valuable because they allow you to open cans.”(Mills, 1) Alone it may seem like a stupid quote but he connects it to how the stuff in cans is important. College and the education it gives you, is like the can openers and what you do with the can opener is what is really important. The stuff that is in the can is what you do for the rest of your life. With out the can opener you won’t be able to get to the stuff in the can. So with a college education you will be able to get a good job that will support you. Like a can opener, a college degree is as powerful as what you do with it. If you work hard in college and get a degree you will have the education and the confidence to go out and get a job.
Another reason why I think college is good for us is the number of resources it has. It not only has libraries but it has a support group for us. Every school has a library equipped with so many sources to use. They have the Internet, books, magazines, journals and encyclopedias. With those you could do any paper, project or presentation. You have so much knowledge at the end of your fingertips. It might just be me but I find that when I go and look things up it stays in my head longer then it would if this information was spoken to me.  All this information is one convenient place for the students to access. In Charles Murray’s essay “Are Too Many People Going to College?” which is about how college can seem like a burden or not useful, he explains why libraries were so important to college kids. With all the elements in the library he states, “ …This project will encompass close to sum total of human knowledge. It will be completely searchable.”(Murray, 6) Everything a college kid would need to help them study for a class or a test would be there. This resource helps them learn to look things up and that will transfer later on in life to their work.
Another resource that makes college really important is the support group it gives you. Everyone there is in the same boat as you are and they’re going through the same thing. You make friends with kids there and they help you deal with being away from home. The teachers are there to help you with your work. They always have office hours so you can top by and ask them questions on a more personal level. Colleges also have consolers that help you with academics and ones that help with personal issues. College is full of these recourses because nobody there wants to see you fail. Everyone wants you to do well and succeed outside of school. Just like in the real world, the people you work don’t want to see you fail. If you fail there is a good chance your coworkers will also fail. People at work will try as hard as they can to help you succeed. Like college work is a place where you build a relationship with people. You trust them and they trust you. That’s why they’re there, to help you improve your education to get a better future.  
In Mike Rose’s “Blue –Collar Brilliance” which is about how you don’t always need to go to college to learn important skills, Mike says
“The restaurant became the place where she studied human behavior, puzzling over the problems of her regular customers and refining her ability to deal with people in a difficult world. She took pride in being among the public… There isn’t a day that goes by in the restaurant that you don’t learn something.”(Rose, 2)
This shows that you can learn these skills outside of college but with out the credibility of the school behind these social skills it will not take you very far. You can learn social skills outside of college by getting a job. But those skills won’t help you in all situations. For Mike Rose’s mom she was a waiter and that is the only platform she would have those skills. She wouldn’t be able to use the same skills from waitressing for making a speech in front of an audience. Social skills are a valuable skill college teaches us. Colleges are really a hub of interaction for young people. It’s the first time you are not surrounded by your family so you need to go out and get social interaction between others. You can join clubs and talking to class mates and it’s a great way to meet friends. It prepares you for when you have a job and meet new people. That first time you meet someone, can leave a strong impression on him or her. Being comfortable around new people can be beneficial working in any profession. As a doctor you meet new patient all the time. With other professions that are a serves you meet new people all the time and social skills are important to have. College is a great way to feel more comfortable with new people and try out your social skills. 
          College education is supposed to teach you a little bit of everything. They make you into a renaissance man. You have a good understanding of many subjects. College degree shows employers that that you have a good platform of education. This also shows you know basics about Math, English and Science so you could be trained in all of them with more education.  When college teaches you the basics it also teaches you things that high school never did. In high school all they focused on was basic education that would get you into college. Colleges teach you about great literature, music and film. In the first semester of college I have read more interesting essays than I ever have in my whole life. In high school they don’t take the time to use literature to provoke thought from us, they use it to prove something to us. They have a curriculum and they need to stick to it. These are assignments so originally I don’t want to read them but when I do I’m pleasantly surprised because they make me think in a different way. Someone who doesn’t go to college is not going to go out of their way to get the magazine that these essays came out of. They have less of a reason to go reading, watching or listen to anything that isn’t something they would normally read. College opens up people’s eyes to new and different things. It helps them be a well rounded person.
          College helps sharpen your skills too. Some people see college as just a place where you write and write and write some more. What people don’t realize is that with all the writing it will improve your writing skills. It’s like the notion practice makes perfect. Skills like writing is not something you will do in school. In “What’s So Good About A College Education?”  proves my point that college helps you keep in touch with your skills. Mills says
“You won’t have to write essays on Jane Austen or the Protestant Reformation once you leave college, but you will have to write memos and reports and presentations and speeches, and honing this skill in college will serve you well once you leave.”(Mills, 5-6)
Even though you won’t write essays out of college you will be writing notes, memos and cards for the rest of your life. You don’t want people to think you can’t write. The amount of writing you do in college will help you polish these skills and help you for whatever job you get.
          The last and most important reason why I think college is essential for success in the future is that college motivates you. We want to do well so we get good grades and graduate. If we graduate we’ll be able to get a decent job and support ourselves. It won’t only motivate us to graduate but it will motivate us to do better. We won’t settle for doing poorly on something. We want to do the best that we can. It will make the quality of things higher. This then translates into having motivation in doing well in your career. You will spend extra time at work to get the job done. College helps you realize that with your degree and hard work you will be able to accomplish a lot.
          College is the first time in many people’s lives where you have total control of it. You can either sit down and not do anything and fail out. Or you can go to class, study, meet new people, learn something and graduate with a sense of accomplishment. The many things you learn in college will help you develop as a person and help you succeed in your future. College can be one of the best tools if used correctly, if the education is used in a manor which it will help you, college is the best investment. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

SammieJay:Life as a WannaBe: and the Oscar goes to.....

Well like most people I'm watching the Oscars. It is painfully dull like always but I don't want to miss it because people will be talking about it tomorrow and I don't want to seem like an uniformed idiot.

Anne Fucking Hathaway gets the oscar. Fuck me. I hate her so much. She cuts her hair and gets a damn oscar. Sometimes I question the academy... like seriously come on!

Best performance of an actress sitting on her couch eating junk food while wearing sweatpants and practicing her Oscar speech goes to Sammie Joyce! Oh my gosh I'm so shocked! I'd like to thank my mom for going food shopping. Love you mama J

So we're 30 minutes away from the third hour of the oscars and I'm about to die. Don't get me wrong I love movies and I plan to go to film school it's just that It gets really boring to watch. I hate the awkwardness of when people come up to accept their award. Or when presenters mess up. I never really know what to do with my hands. 

The only good thing about this years oscars is Seth McFarland. He is a comedic genius and it's making it much more bearable. He's extremely witty and on his toes. It' like he can do no wrong.

What I didn't realize is that you can have a tie at the Oscars... Like da fuck is this. You can't do that! I would hate to have to share my Oscar with someone. Especially if it was for something like sound.  mixing. 

My last point can we please just give Leo a god damn Oscar already!!!!! The man is going to die without a damn Oscar and his life won't be fulfilled. I would feel like my life wasn't fulfilled if Leo didn't win an Oscar in his career. He's more than a pretty face he can act like a damn motherf**ker! Come on academy get yo shit together! If Anne Hathaway can win an Oscar for being in a movie for exactly 28 minutes than Leo deserves an Oscar for everything he does. Even for that kraft singles commercials he was in. 

I guess leo really doesn't need an Oscar that bad because he is sleeping with some super mega hot supermodel soooooo he's all good. 

well I need to turn this shit off because it's making me feel super awkward. oooo Kristen Stewart is coming on stage let's see what she does. Awkward walk, awkward talk she's standing awkward and.....fuck it I'm turing the Oscars off! thank Kristen Stewart for pushing the Oscars over the Awkward cliff into the dismal ocean of awkwardness. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

SammieJay:Life as a WannaBe: let's do a review

One of the perks of having a blog is being able to do reviews and think people care what your opinions are.

So on this lovely Saturday night my gal pals and I went out for some crazy fun! We decided to go to the gourmet pizzeria called papa gino's! it was so good! We got an extra large cheese pizza with mozzarella sticks. We dined like royalty.

We then went to the movies to see Beautiful Creatures. Can we talk about the AMC in Braintree. Boy that place is nice. The seats are those cushioned recliners that are made for sleeping. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep about 5 times. It was very embarrassing. The movie in general was very good. The kid who was playing the main character was way older than 17 and the girl looked the right age so the whole thing looked kinda rapey. It made me wish I had a weird love relationship with someone. Then I rethink that and I don't think I could handle that right now. I'm very fragile.

All my friends had different takes on the movie. My friend Courtney liked it because she read the books. Emily didn't see much of it because she fell asleep. What she did see of the movie she said "eeeh it was okay." My friend Michala thought it was okay but she her stomach was bothering her

When we were done with the movies we all decided to part ways and go home. I arrived home at 10:30. I feel like such a loser. What college kids comes home at 10:30 at night. Where are all the cool college parties... oh wait I live with my parents and go to a commuter school. F**k my life. 

Whatever I watched the rest of Schindler's List and cried like a baby. Now I'm watching Kevin Hart crying hysterically because the man is a genius. 

I'm gonna ROLL OUT 

Friday, February 22, 2013

SammieJay:Life as a WannaBe: Proud new owner of a car

So today's blog is not what it was suppose to be about! I had it all planned out to write about getting Book of Mormon tickets! I'm super excited and so happy, but todays blog will be about being forced to buy a car against my will.

So I come home from school today expecting to sit on my ass all night and do nothing. Sounds perfect right? Well out of no where my mom calls me up and says get your butt to the Kia lot. First of all what the hell is a Kia lot and second of all you could have said please. She then proceeds to tell me her and my dad are buying a new car... Wait what! Why the hell for? We already have four. And before you go all being wow you're a rich spoiled bitch hear me out. One is a mini van, which is my moms. Mine is a used altima from 2003. My dad's car is my grandpa's 2001 malibu and my brothers is a ford lemon from 2006. All of our cars are shit boxes. So I guess my mom deserves a new car.

What I didn't get was why did I have go down to the DEALERSHIP I had no money for a car. What I found out was my parents need my signature to get a discount on the car. They were using me! All they wanted was my signature and conformation that I go to Umass Boston.

I won't be driving this car and they're making me come down there an help them buy it. My dad also did it to build my credit which I guess is pretty cool and kind of important. But I wasted two hours in a fricking dealership listening to some fat middle aged man talk about his life... Nothing makes you more depressed then a fat car sales man comparing himself to you.

The worst part was that this Kia dealership use to be the best chinese buffet. Seriously it had the best food you could imagine. Rows upon rows of delicious  food and amazing desserts. Now it's a shitty show room that doesn't have any City beef or City chicken or City shrimp. The place reeks of rubber and other plastic.

Now I'm all stressed out, I have a perfect credit score and I have to wait to get chipotle. Nothing angers me more when I have to push back my burrito time! At least I still get a burrito and watch ghost adventures. I watch that show not because I believe in that show but because everyone in that show is a douche! But that is another blog for another day


Thursday, February 21, 2013

SammieJay:Life as a WannaBe:rise and shine or don't it's your life

Okay so this is an extremely early post. So Good Morning World! How is everyone doing on this fine Thursday morning?

I'm posting so early this morning because I don't think I'll be able to post tonight. I have to go to a play festival that is mandatory for school. Maybe I'll write up a review tomorrow on the plays. Maybe I won't. I don't want to bore my two readers.

Todays post will be short and sweet. Nothing important just a thought I've had since starting college.

Why is it that I'm having a harder time waking up for college than I did for getting up for high school. It worries me because the time I go to bed each night has not changed since eighth grade. In fact I wake up later for college than I did for high school. For high school I would wake up at 5:30 every morning and for college I get up at 7. It's like da fuck is up with that.

It's like I've lost all motivation to accomplish anything anymore. I already know when I wake up now that my day is going to be shitty. I'm guaranteed to sit in traffic, look for 15 minutes for a parking lot, I'll be assigned the most ridiculous assignments that have no purpose and won't help me later on in my life. At least in high school I would have to be up for five hours to see if my day will be shitty. I usually wouldn't realize that until after lunch.    

Going to college you have people asking you all these questions like what's your major. That question I have no problem with. I don't care that my major seems stupid, Theatre Arts, or not reliable. I hate it when people snicker and then proceed to ask how are you going to support myself... Um excuse me I just got here! I literally just decide college was a good path for me to take. Don't make me start worrying about after college, I have three more years.

People say go to a profession you're going to love. They never said anything about a profession that will make you money!I love theatre and that's not going to be a financially stable profession, but I don't care because that's what I love.  

In high school all you have to really worry about is not looking like a fool in front of your crush. And yes I know you're saying what about college... I didn't really have to worry about that because my guidance counselor really helped me with all that. I'll I really needed to do was remember my social security number and I was in college.

I guess I'm saying it's harder to wake up when you have so many factors pushing against you.

Am I the only one who has trouble getting up in the morning?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

SammieJay: Life as a WannaBe

I know I'm not the only one when I say I have definitely thought about giving my soul to the devil in return for a perfect life.

It's such a common theme in movies, music, and literature. The first appearance that caused a ripple effect on the other forms of media is Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust.  It's the original tale of a middle aged man named, you guessed it Faust. He's a Renaissance man who is skilled in multiple fields. He's gotten to a certain point in his life where he has given up on everything. When he's at a festival with his assistant he notices a black poodle following him. He thinks it's a demon his assistance thinks it's just a fluffy dog. When he returns home with the dog he demands it to show it's true form. What manifests is the demon Mephistopheles, who tells Faust he will grant him anything he wants if he sells his soul to him. The rest of the play is about Faust going to a withes den to drink a potion that will make him thirty years younger. He then falls in love with a girl named Gretchen. He gets her pregnant and abandons her. When her brother confronts him they duel and with the help of Mephistopheles Faust kills him. Faust then goes to find Gretchen but she is in jail for poisoning her mother and drowning her baby. In the end Faust wants to break Gretchen out of prison but she refuses and says she needs to face her wrong doing. Faust looks like he might get his soul back but in the end he dies and goes to hell.

In my opinion Faust was an idiot. Wasting his wishes on youth and jewelry to impress a young lady... Kinda of stupid. Do you really want a girl who loves you just for your looks and money. It's kind of shallow if you ask me. 

He I had to sell my soul to the devil for 8 wishes, like in Bedazzled... the 1967 version with Peter Cook and Dudley Moore not the monstrosity  that is the Brendan Frazier version. So I've thought a lot about this and these would be my seven wishes.

1.  I would wish for a heaping plate of tater tots... that never end. Like it would keep refilling itself. Tots are amazing. Everyone likes them and I would get so many friends. 

2. Wish number two would go to me skipping the next five years. I am not a big fan of college and I'm finding it very hard to figure out what I want to do with my life. In five years hopefully I'll know what I want to do with my life and be well on my way to achieve it.  

3. Wish tres... To have Morgan Freeman narrate my life. I need a velvety chocolate voice like Morgan's, yes we're on first name basis, to tell my life story. I guess it would make my life seem a lot more exciting than it really is. 

4. I want a superpower. not just any superpower... I WANT TO BE LIKE JESUS. And yes jesus is a superpower. I want his superpowers but without all the dying and being whipped and crucified and all that shit.   

5. I guess my fifth wish should be for world peace and cure for all diseases and poverty and all that shit. I don't want to be seen as a selfish a-hole. Soooooo here you go world. You're Welcome!

6. Wish six to have enough knowledge to be considered super smart but also just enough so I'm not considered to be an asshole. Nothings worst than someone who is a pretentious smart person who has no respect for anyone. 

7.  My life goal is to work for Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of everything awesome. They are known for South Park, The Book of Mormon, Cannibal the Musical and other great creations these master minds have thought of. I would do anything to work for them. I would even sacrifice my mother in an ancient mayan ritual.  I would Cobra Kick my fathers leg, aka sweep the leg, to work with them. After I got the job I would do anything they told me. Get coffee, come up with the next funniest thing they wanted to make. Do my impressions of dead presidents. I do an awesome William McKinley. I would even go as low as break dance for those two. They're my idols and I would wish for them to know who I was.

8. I'm not a complete idiot so I would definitely wish for more wishes.  Duhhhh 

Let me know what you guys would wish for if you had only eight wishes.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

SammieJay: Life as a WannaBe: Technology Son

hmmm is WannaBe one word or two? The thoughts that go through my head AFTER I post my first blog. You know what? no fucks are given none at all.

oooo fancy huh? I put a cool photo in my blog. I'm all tech savvy and cool!

Well todays blog I guess will be about my daily struggle with technology. I'll be honest I'm not the most skilled person when it comes to technology. I know how to work a smartphone and.... well that's basically it. I obviously I have a handle on computers because if I didn't I wouldn't be doing this blog... Or maybe I'm a ghost doing a blog beyond the grave and I'm omnipotent .... okay that one way bad I apologize for that crap joke. 

My basic knowledge of computers is as such: you turn the darn machine on, go to the internet, go to Facebook, waste hours upon hours of your life on the stupid website, lose all your friends because you spend all your free time online, develop a social disorder, write papers and print it out. The basic skills that will get you through college. 

With all this advancing technology I feel somewhat guilty for not keeping up with it.Technology has evolved over the years. As it changes it has a major effect on people and how they interact with other people. Some would say technology has made our lives so much simpler and easier to deal with everyday tasks. Others would say technology has hindered our ability to do mundane tasks. We act as IMing your family from separate rooms is considered normal, when walking to the next room to tell your family something is too much of a hassle. With every new piece of technology that comes out it says it is even better, faster, and can do more than the last product.(Which is usually BS)  With the latest smart phones it seems like they can do anything. They have the ability to go on the Internet, connect us to our email, it acts as a GPS, and whenever you are bored it has games to keep us entertained for hours.  If technology keeps evolving, the more and more we will grow dependent of technology. 

With ever advancing technology has it hampered our ability to do things on our own in a patient manner or communicate with other individuals? The fear is that technology is starting to hurt us more then help us.

Technology makes us lazier when it comes to doing schoolwork. When we have extravagant projects or papers to write we all go to the Internet for help. Before computers and the Internet were invented we would have to go to libraries and look things up in books and journals. This would take a good amount of time and you were never guaranteed to find what you were looking for. We now rely on computers to look up info and cut our time in half.  It’s expected to be easier and faster but sometimes it does not always show us what we want it to. When the Internet doesn’t work in our favor and turn up the info we need we tend to lose our patience and give up. Social media sites are then visited by teens that give up. They multitask and end up distracting us from our original goal.

We have more things at our fingertips to distract us from our plain task. This is a problem because it distracts us from what is more important. We can always find something fun to do with the Internet but we can’t always find something that will help us get a good grade online. The Internet also doesn’t allow younger generations to build up a good work ethic. We expect everything to be handed to us, or just at our fingertips if it is not. Without it you would have to go to the library and take different books and journals out and read all the way through them to see if you can use it as a source. This hurts us because we have become enable to do things on our own. It’s like it has become a crutch for us. Without it we would be totally lost.

Technology has also changed the way we communicate with people. Nowadays we call, text, e-mail, IM, face chat or Skype with people. Before technology we would go over to someone’s house or office if we needed to speak with him or her. With technology it is like we can cut out almost all-human interaction if we wanted to. Nothing is personal anymore, we feel too awkward when we have to interact with someone. We find it easier and more efficient to just shoot out a text or email. It also makes awkward situations when you’re with someone and no one saying anything less awkward. We use our technology to make a situation a lot more bearable. We use technology to distract us so we don’t have to communicate with people. If everyone has their phone out and they are on it no one will feel like they have to speak up and say something. 

Kids feel more comfortable communicating online. They like it because there is no way for them to really mess up with the other person noticing. In Amy Goldwasser’s essay “What’s the Matter with Kids Today?” she mentions, “We need to start trusting our kids to communicate as they will online…”(Goldwasser, 239) This shows that kids feel more comfortable communicating with others and their feelings through technology. They are used to technology to be used as an outlet for their thoughts and emotions. They use it instead of talking face to face with a person and expressing their problems.

In Sherry Turkle’s essay “Can You Hear Me Now?”  She explains, “The virtual life of Facebook or MySpace is titillating, but our fragile planet needs our action in the real. We have to worry that we may be connecting globally but relating parochially.”(6, Turkle) She explains that we may feel that we are connecting to more people with the help of technology but we are narrow-minded and don’t really connect over everything. Technology helps give us our voices but we can’t always relate with someone over the Internet because you don’t get the feel of a person unless you spend actual time with them. This hurts us because without knowing how to communicate face to face we won’t get anything in life. The way to get a job or express yourself you do it face to face not over a phone or email. A lot of employers hire people based on their personality and you can’t judge someone if you send only emails or do phone calls. We lose the ability to make things personal. With out making things personal you also have a risk of losing friends. You become un-relatable.

When we have technology it becomes a shield over our lives. It gives us the ability to be someone where not. We can have all these characteristics we usually aren't in person. We can be outgoing, funny, charming, and smart. No one would know the difference because. Technology can be a curtain of courage. 

If you want the essays I refer to in this blog please leave a comment and I'll send you the link. They are really good essays on how technology has effected us. They're also really easy reads. Sorry for the long post... my opinion and not very funny... my b... here enjoy this meme about umass boston 

Monday, February 18, 2013

SammieJay:Life as a WannaBe: Feels like the very first time... because it is

okay well this is weird... I don't really know what to do or what to start with. There are all these logical ways to start out. I could introduce myself or just leave you in mystery. I find the second option to be stupid and pointless. Why read a blog about someone if they don't at least give you the most simple intimate detail like my name.

Well as you can see my name is Sammie. I'm a struggling college kid, and when I say struggling I mean it in a suburban way not a financial or mental way. I'm your typical  suburban kid: ungrateful, angry for no good reason, gullible, hopeless just to name a few characteristics.

I wish I had a cool reason why I started this blog, but I don't. I wish I had a teacher who took me aside and showed me this website and said "But your thoughts here. They might be worth something someday." But I didn't. I never had a teacher who took a keen interest in me. Not in a good way or a creepy way. I was always skipped over in everything in life... I don't want you to think I'm crying "poor me! help me I'm poor!"  I'm not. I'm a strong independent woman who needs no man to tell me what to do. I basically started this blog to get what's in my head out. Also hopefully this blog will also help me with my writing. Nothing is more useful in the world then the ability to write effectively and efficiently. I strongly advise if anyone reads this that if you see me using grammar poorly point it out to me and unmercifully make fun of me for it.

So this blog will serve as a portal into my life and the life of an average college kid who is striving to be amazing and painfully cool.

What to expect from this blog:

1. Posts everyday- they will range from being long stories of what happened that day to short posts about little revelations I have.
2. Jokes. Lot's of corney jokes. Hey, it's what I'm good at so I will bestow my awesome humor onto you that you can take them  and call your own.
3. The grueling life of a Umass Boston student.
4. My crazy career aspirations that are totally far fetch. There is no way I'll be able to be a trapeze artist who moonlights as a astronaut.<== get it? do you get it? Moonlight as an astronaut! It's a great example of my humor.
5. Fart Jokes..... I'll let that sit there and you can take it or leave it... yep Fart jokes. Nothing is funnier than a strategically placed fart joke. NOTHING... except for maybe a picture of Gary Busey staring at a  large woman's ass.

I'd like to say that I have a set plan on what I'm gonna write about everyday but to be honest I don't. I'm going to write what comes to mind and hopefully it will be relatable and funny at the same time.

See ya tomorrow folks and let's hope I don't disappoint.